Well, hey there. 👋

I’m Kelly. I craft bold, authentic brand copy built to resonate with humans. I’m a copywriter, brand strategist, and associate creative director living in the Pacific Northwest.

I believe in the power of storytelling to inform, engage, and shift perspectives.

You’re likely to find me riding my bike or paddleboarding along Portland’s paths and waterways. I love a craft beer moment and gravitate toward malty German styles. I’m an avid veggie-forward home cook and a detail-oriented trip planner. Bob’s Burgers and Gilmore Girls are my always-on-in-the-background shows, and I truly—deep down in my bones—think there’s nothing cuter on the planet than a blocky-headed pittie.

I’ve got roots in Texas and spent more than a decade in Seattle. I’m currently based in Portland, Oregon.
